Just had to share that I can't can't can't wait until Sunday...I am finally going to see U2 with opening band Black eyed peas with the hubby {>
And for the kids...still no luck on potty training...It's 50/50 with Kiki. They have both been sick. I feel like I live at the Dr.'s and CVS pharmacy. Kiki will need surgery and probably Dom too to have the tonsils and andenoids removed...Question is do I do it on the same day? How much stess can one parent truly indulge in when it's regarding both your kids under? Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers :)
And this is all mixed in with my recent promotion at work...I am now a supervisor...although I am not sure why they call it supervise. I don't have a clue what that truly means...I mean don't you have to be at least 18 to get a job...and arent you legally considered an adult...yet you are thrown out there to be supervised~ at work...Gee no wonder why no one is responsible...you 'think the parents cut the cord at 18 and yet we enter into the work world only to be "supervised"
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
My little president & stubborn Princess
So today I picked up Dominic from school and I asked him how his day went. You see the last 2 weeks he has come home bothered by the fact that everyday at recess the girls chase him and he can't play...now I'm sure he loves the attention but I listen. So today...
he says..."Same ol same ol"
I say "Like what?"
He says, "the girls chased me and one of them wants to marry me!"
I say "Do you tell the girls it bothers you when the chase you and to please stop?"
He says "Yes I told them to stop chasing me, I'm not getting married. I'm going to be President of the United States one day."
So I guess I can't complain :)
And as far as Miss Kennedy today...we are still battling the joy of potty training...she only has interest in it when she feels like it. I HATE this part of parenting. I wish it just came automatically with the turning of age. I mean when you turn "13" you finally get to say you are a teenager. When you hit 18 you are considered an adult by state standards. Why can't you turn two or three and just go to the restroom??? Oh well we are off to buy more stickers...I sware she just does this to me so she can by new stickers!
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009

Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Time to look back
Just posting some pics. after browing through my pictures and thinking to myself how fast they grow UP!
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Weekend update
Hello there....yes I know its been a while...and yes I know you all are checking and I have not updated anything and as my girlfriends pointed out to me over the weekend...I need to update!
Over the weekend, I got to go out with the girls and hang with Sica who I don't get to see much because she lives in New Mexico. But I always love it when we can all get together because it feels like it's only been a few weeks past when we graduated high school. I love that I can still catch up and chit chat with the girls and everyone has grown up but everyone is the same. There is a reason why we were friends then and now :) Love you girls~~~Edgar took the kids to LA while I was hanging with the girls.
On Sunday we woke up and headed to Del Mar. My sister in law, nephew and Godson met up with us at the house and a-way we went. We arrived to the villa on the beach which they get to enjoy every day for 6 weeks but we stayed for a few days of R & R...and boy was it. It was SO much FUn. We celebrated my nephews 16th birthday and swam and dug for sand crabs. It was BEAUTIFUL in Del Mar~ Thanks in laws for invitin'
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Potty Training and a Nu-Nu
No pictures to post but over the weekend we... visited the happiest place on earth, watched Dom play t-ball, had lunch with the nephews, niece, and sis in laws, watched Edgar work at Tigger's house, hung out with Jill & Yvonne & the kids, watched Dom fall out of a kids wheel barrel (yes he's quit graceful!), had Dom sleep over at Ga-ga's for the first time (and I missed a photo op. and left my camera at home), cleaned up from their weekend messes, heard Kiki fall off his ladder from his 2nd story bed for the 3rd time, and still had no time to break the nu-nu from Kiki...she's so attached.
I need help! How do I get rid of the germ infested nu-nu that secures her everyday...I was so anti-pacifier with Dominic. Didn't let anyone come never him with one. Figured he's never had one, why introduce it to him. Kind of goes back to the theory of you don't know what you have until it's gone so I never gave him a pacifier...then Kiki came along and a thought...what could it hurt. Now she's 2 1/2 and still loving her nu-nu! Have a good week.
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mom's Day
I hope all the Mom's had a good Mother's Day. I didn't even get to see mine. I didn't feel good and either did she so hopefully we'll visit the Happiest Place on Earth this week and then maybe do Ports o' Call or the Beach this weekend for lunch. So I passed on the Mother's Day barbeque, laid on the couch all day with a headache and hoped I would feel better this morning only to wake up to another headache...I hope I'm not getting the flu since my kids have had it these past 2 weeks!
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's a Small World 2008

So bare with me while I play catch...remember I'm new at this. I had to dock this though. It's Kennedy's first time in It's a Small World. I think it's the only ride that she didn't want to be bothered in. She was completely mesmorized! Dominic loves it too and this was his first time on the ride since they added some new storybook characters.
Posted by Amy Hluchy-Jauregui at 6:52 PM 0 comments
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